
Story Behind the Revelation Song

Matthew Henry's Bible commentary: "The prophet was overpowered by the vision, the dazzling luster of it conquered him and threw him upon his face; for who is able to stand before this Holy Lord  God? Or, rather, He prostrated himself in a humble sense of his own unworthiness of the honor now done him, and of the infinite distance which he now, more than ever, perceived to be between him and God; he fell upon his face in token of that holy awe and reverence of God with which his mind was possessed and filled. Note, The more God is pleased to make known of Himself to us the more low we should be before Him. He fell upon his face to adore the majesty of God, to implore His mercy and to deprecate the wrath he saw ready to break out against the children of his people. What instructions he had from it. All he saw was only to prepare him for that which he was to hear; for faith comes by hearing. He therefore heard a voice of One that spoke; for we are taught by words.. When he fell on his face, ready to receive the Word, then he heard the voice of One that spoke; for God delights to teach the humble."

"From the time my pen hit paper, to this very second there was not a moment where you have not been lovingly thought of. This album contains everything I could want to say to you up to this point in my life and my (our) prayer is that You are made RICH with the knowledge of Christ and overflow with His goodness," says Jennie Lee Riddle about her worship project, People & Songs: Opus 1 Collective.

This album grabs me with every song. Truly, every song is amazing. Jennie has a knack for hitting me where I am spiritually and expressing the prayerful yearnings of my heart. This album is no exception as I get welled up praying along with several of the songs. Most of all, I am stirred with compassion to love people as Jesus loves us. That's the heart behind this album, and thank you Jennie for blessing us with your music and for writing and singing the Truth of the Gospel for the Kingdom of God. This album soothes, moves and challenges listeners. People & Songs: Opus 1 Collective by Jennie Lee Riddle is a profound listening experience.

I love her writing. It is so honest, and has lots of depth lyrically. It feels like at times as Christians we're living on another planet and we're fighting all the time. We all know why--because we weren't made for this world. Writing and singing songs of worship aren't always easy when things aren't going well. We're called to worship and we need to be obedient. We are dependent on God for every breath. A state of brokenness keeps us on our knees and helps us realize how much we need God. Choosing to worship when you don't feel like it deepens your faith. Even in the midst of our greatest struggles, we need to find joy and peace from knowing God. God is light, and His reflection will cover us in colors like a rainbow.

This song for the Church reminds us that the pain of this world is temporary and to live for Heaven. As Christians--the bride of Christ--we'll worship Him forever and all sing to our Bridegroom: "Holy Holy Holy, Is The Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!" Amen!

(Here's a video of Gateway Worship featuring Kari Jobe singing the song as well as Jennie Lee Riddle

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Story Behind the Revelation Song Story Behind the  Revelation Song Reviewed by Admin on 5:43:00 PM Rating: 5

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