
The Gift of God ≠ Presence of God

 Spiritual gifts are blessings or abilities given by God to His children through the power of the Holy Ghost. Gifts of the Spirit are given to bless and benefit those who love the Lord.

The Church as God made it is supposed to be an ideal dwelling of the the Almighty. However, churches today are full of people, full of music and technology and yet lacking the single most important thing: THE PRESENCE of God.

In this article I'll share a small video and lessons i have learnt from my short experience in the music ministry.

Please watch this short video before proceeding.

#1. Beware

The manifestation of the gifts don't necessarily mean God is there. Be careful not to be deceived by men working special miracles and feelings arising from emotional singers. Recently secular artists have risen to sing gospel songs. These have become so famous because they arouse strong emotion, but only sensitivity to the Holy Spirit will reveal the absence of His presence. The more we spend time with the father, the more we are accustomed to His presence.
Know the difference between the genuine presence of God and Gift.

#2. SEEK The PRESENCE in Service

Our ultimate goal both in service and in our walk with god is to ensure his presence is always with us.
Often times in the bible, God departed from people, yet the same people continued serving the same God, A good example of this is Saul; whom after being disobedient God had to depart from him. Even after this Saul was king and ruled over Israel. remember Saul was anoointed by God himself, yet was annointed for only to years of his fourty year reign.

#3. Personal Check

That I am singing in the choir or preaching powerfully or casting out demons does not mean the annointing/presence is upon me. 

Matthew 7:21-23 one who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Well, its imperative that each minister does a personal check to ensure they ain't "manifesting" without the presence/ annointing.
The Gift of God ≠ Presence of God The Gift of God ≠ Presence of God Reviewed by Admin on 5:49:00 PM Rating: 5

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