After being established as one of the
industry’s premier worship leaders with her Dove Award-winning, self-titled
debut, Kari Jobe continues to serve as a worship pastor at Gateway Church in
Southlake, Texas, and will release her highly anticipated follow-up album,
Where I Find You (Sparrow) on January 24, 2012.
Produced by Ed Cash (Chris Tomlin,
Chris August) and Matt Bronleewe (Natalie Imbruglia, Josh Wilson), Where I Find
You, which includes Kari’s new hit radio single “We Are,” is an engaging
departure from her previous effort—both sonically and thematically
Rather than simply emphasizing the
beauty found in God’s presence, Where I Find You is a clarion call for
listeners to experience His presence to the fullest. And not surprisingly, the
accompanying soundtrack is just as bold with a buoyant mix of fresh musical
textures and timbres.
“After singing about the importance
of making time for intimate worship on my first album, I wanted to take the
next step on Where I Find You,” Kari shares. “These songs come from such a
honest place of praising God for what He’s done—and what He’s continuing to do
in our lives—because of His grace and goodness.
“Ultimately, it’s about declaring who
He is and enjoying the simplicity of knowing the Lord is near,” she continues.
“He’s for us, He loves us, and sometimes, we need to just stop, enjoy His
presence and take that in.”
While recording the album, Kari
says she was often reminded of that very truth—a theme that resonates through
the lyrics of “Here,” a reminder to press pause, even when our culture insists
we constantly keep moving.
“There were many instances when we
had to stop whatever we were working on because I needed to go outside, take a
walk and have my own time with God for a few minutes,” Kari remembers. “Again
and again, I was so overtaken by how present He was while we were recording,
and it’s my hope and desire that people really feel the strength and
intercession that was taking place while I worked on the album.”
Another decidedly counter-cultural
idea that resonates in these new songs is how God never lets believers,
including worship leaders, get too comfortable in their faith or permanently
reside on the proverbial spiritual mountaintop.
“This past year has been the season
of being completely uncomfortable and going through things I didn’t understand
that were really hard,” Kari shares. “I was literally having to hold on in my
heart and trust He had everything in control. You can even hear that a little
in my vocals, especially on songs like ‘Love Came Down,’ ‘Run To You,’ and
‘What Love Is This.’ It was a season that stretched me.”
Even through all the growing pains,
however, Kari says she was continually reminded of God’s faithfulness.
“I think there are times as believers
when we feel entitled and that life shouldn’t be hard. We live in this culture
of convenience that says we can do everything ourselves and find all the
answers on Google,” Kari says. “But if we can learn to fall more in love with
the Lord and trust Him in the middle of every storm, we build our endurance to
keep running the race.”
Naturally, these declarations of
God’s faithfulness couldn’t help but make their way onto her album.
“‘We Are’ is a song of commission for
us as believers,” says Kari, “to be reminded of what we’ve been called to, and
that is to impact people’s lives in everything we do.”
On the track “One Desire,” which she
co-wrote with Jason Ingram, Kari uses simple, heartfelt language that reminds
her of one of her favorite worship anthems when she was young.
“During our writing session, Jason
and I were talking about the simplicity of worship; how it doesn’t always have
to be so ornate,” she explains.
"When I was a kid, I remember
how much I loved singing the song ‘I Love You, Lord’ because it was this sweet,
simple song straight from Scripture.”
In stark contrast to the
straightforward worship of “One Desire,” another key track, the aforementioned
“What Love is This,” features powerful imagery of the Centurion soldier’s
reaction to discovering that Jesus was the Son of God after He’d been
“I often think about what it would’ve
been like to experience that and to say ‘Truly, you are the son of God,’” Kari
shares. “You realize you were part of His death, you were the one of the people
who’d nailed Him to a cross. He must have felt so incredibly broken—to believe
the lie and then experience the truth. I really think that’s like all of us.
We’ve got to have the perspective that without the Lord’s presence, we’re all
in darkness, and ‘What Love Is This’ is my love song to the Lord for His love
song for my life.”
Also serving as a grounding force for
Kari when life gets complicated is her tight-knit Texas family. Although she
turned 30 this past year, she still considers being a daughter one of “life’s
greatest blessings.”
What’s also been a blessing is a new
dimension to her ministry. In addition to ministering in churches, arenas,
theaters, festivals and conferences across the globe, Kari has also found
another outlet for sharing God’s love in partnering with the A21 Campaign, an
organization dedicated to abolishing human trafficking in the 21st century.
“I’ve become really invested in that
ministry and strongly believe that we all have to play a role and do our part
to fight against the modern form of slavery that affects 27 million people and
growing,” Kari says. “It’s so incredibly dark, and I feel a responsibility to
do what I can. Most of these victims are girls like me, and I can’t imagine
what life would be like to be stuck in that place.”
Along with her sister, Kris, Kari has
created an exclusive line of jewelry and t-shirts where all the proceeds go to
the cause of bringing an end to human trafficking and injustice.
“Whether I’m participating in an
effort like this or leading worship, it’s all about making a difference,” Kari
concludes. “That’s the reason I’m doing what I’m doing at this specific
moment—to see God’s name lifted high, to encourage the hurt and the broken and
to remind everyone to draw close to Him because He really, truly does care
about each and every one of His children.”
And that’s ultimately the message
behind Where I Find You, enjoying the beauty of God’s presence, praising him
with your whole heart and letting your light shine in a world that needs to
experience the true grace and hope found only in Jesus.
SOURCE: http://www.newreleasetoday.com/
Reviewed by Admin
5:46:00 PM

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