

Over the past few years, we have been blessed with the opportunity of seeing hundreds of Praise and Worship leaders in action. We have observed them carefully, making mental notes of the things they did that worked and the things they did that didn’t, and putting the more effective methods into practice in prayer to great success. 

Please be clear that these are not "rules". All Spirit-filled Praise and Worship has to be Spirit-led and rules prevent the Spirit from blowing where He wills. But there are certain good practices that will enable the Spirit to blow effectively, and the accompanying reasons provided for these "good practices" will help us understand why.
Prophets prophesy. They look at a situation and they deliver God’s heart. They speak the mind of God.

We need more worship leaders like this – Worship leaders who are less in tune with their guitars and more in tune with what the Holy Spirit is saying. Leaders who lead in the present reality and power of the Holy Spirit. It’s leadership from the inside out.
The people of God need more than incredible musicality.
Are you willing to go deeper?
Are you willing to listen to the Holy Spirit?
Are you completely freaked out at this point in the post?
Let me demystify a bit with some practice tips for improving your spirit-led worship leadership. I guarantee that if you apply these tips, you’ll approach Sunday morning with fresh vision:

1. Ask the Right Questions

When you are preparing yourself for leading worship, don’t just ask questions related to the music. Ask like this:
·         What theme is on God’s heart?
·         What is God saying to His people?
·         What do the people of God need to declare?
·         Who is a part of my congregation?
Realize that you’re not just picking out songs. You are leading people to encounter God, hear his voice, and be transformed.

2. Practice the Spontaneous

While spontaneity doesn’t necessarily equal prophetic, it can play a huge role. A worship leader who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit can’t just perform a worship set because they are meeting with God in the moment.
They are helping people encounter the risen Christ. Whether or not they nail their guitar solo or strum with perfect precision isn’t what they’re thinking about.
Being spontaneous can be scary. It can also be done very poorly if you haven’t practiced it. I would recommend you practice every day, off the stage. While you’re in the shower, in your car, or in your quiet time, listen to the Holy Spirit. Make declarations. Sing your own phrases and melodies.
It may feel stupid at first but the more you do this off the stage, the more natural it will feel on stage. Don’t leave it to chance. Practice your spontaneous leadership.
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