
Singing Alto

Learn To Sing

Singing alto is closely related to singing contralto, which can be said to be the lowest female voice. Operatically speaking, it is not formally defined, but specific parts are written keeping in mind the abilities of the singer. In contemporary music, the alto has taken the role of the sultry, seductive, unpolished voice.
1.     See how low you can go in singing alto: Using a keyboard and The mid C (C 4) as the starting point start descending the notes. In case you don’t understand terms like C4 and mid C, there are a variety of programs under categories like ‘tuners’ and ‘virtual keyboard’ for download. In any case, you just need to know the sound of C4 and you can find it anyplace else, like the piano or guitar. G3 is 3 white keys below C4, and that is the goal, if you can hit it, you are singing alto.
2.     Being comfortable within the lower notes: If you are a mezzo soprano finding your alto abilities, it might be difficult at first. So take it slow in singing alto, because you can cause a muscle tear by forcing yourself. Always remember that in the beginning stages don’t try to stay in your lower register for too long, always keep coming up for some fresh air. With time, you will start feeling at home in your alto parts.
3.     Practice pronunciation in the lower notes. Sometimes transition between two notes is modified by the syllables involved in singing alto. Also practice expressing different moods at the lower notes. It is often an overlooked point how many voice modulations we make during normal conversation, to express our emotions. To fully exploit singing alto, it should be as expressive. Make up cadences centered in the alto and practice them to see if vocal attributes such as volume and pronunciation vary adversely.
4.     Planned Practice Timings: Obviously, it is much easier to explore the lower range in the mornings, so take advantage of it for singing alto. However, if you can hit that note in the morning, it doesn’t mean you’ll be able to do it during choir practice in the evening. It’s suggested that you use morning sessions to explore your range, while keeping another session to practice songs etc. Note however that practicing after drinking milk or tea should be avoided.
5.     Proper Posture: Bad habits die hard, so nip them in the bud. As an exercise, once in a while, instead of focusing on the notes, try to see what the rest of your body is doing: Are your shoulders unnecessarily tense? Are you projecting your voice outwards? Practicing breathing exercises will help.
6.     Professional Vocal Training: There is no substitute for vocal training, especially if you have serious aspirations. Trainers draw from their extensive experience to bring a personalized plan of action. You’ll avoid pitfalls in singing alto, be more motivated and will have crystallized goals to aim for.
7.     Join a choir: It’s much more fun to sing along with others. You’d be able to get a feel for the complete musical piece, sharing the emotions of the other members as they sing. In all, it makes you see the piece as more than just a sum of its parts. Also, learning to perform in public is vital to a musician or singers growth.
8.     Sample a variety of music: singing alto is actually an underrated voice, unjustly of course, relative to others. Taking a positive, there great room for creative expression. So, listen to famous tenors, contemporaries like Sade and Alicia Keys, or classical greats like Yvonne Minton. Learn from their styles of singing alto.
Singing alto takes training so that you don’t strain your voice. Once mastered, you have the ability to extend your singing range to a variety of musical styles; some that may have not been available to you before.

Source: SingingPros
Singing Alto Singing Alto Reviewed by Admin on 8:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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