
Four Habits That Will Transform Your Rehearsals


I know, that sounds like a no-brainer. But there have been times that I’ve been busy helping other people or troubleshooting sound issues that I never took the time to set up my gear and tune my guitar. Then, once we finally got the rehearsal going, we had to wait another five minutes for me to throw my stuff together.

I liken it to what airline flight attendants always say when they're talking about the oxygen mask: "Make sure you put your mask on BEFORE you assist someone with theirs."
When my rig is ready and tested, my guitar is tuned, and my various wireless units all have fresh batteries, I can then freely help others. I find it’s better to ask someone in need of something to wait a moment rather than leave the setting up of my stuff last.


Another pre-rehearsal habit that makes a big difference is my personal run-through of the songs. Most of the time, I’ll have already practiced the songs before that. So this time is just a live run-through by myself on the platform with the sound system on.
This personal run-through does three things.
First, it helps me to have the extra bit of confidence as I lead the team in rehearsal. This is important. If I don’t know MY stuff as I lead the rehearsal, I’m not going to be able to focus on the team's stuff. That is, I’ll be so focused on getting my part right that I’ll miss opportunities to help the team play better.
Second, it helps me to be the most prepared person in the room. And why is that important? Because I’m the leader, and I should be modeling what great preparation looks like. If I'm only 50% prepared, my team will be 40% prepared, at best.
And finally, third, it gives me a chance to worship and prepare to lead worship. I can use that run-through as a personal worship time. I also can mentally prepare to lead people on Sunday as I’m running these songs.
But I’ll be honest, I neglect this one more often than I should. I just don't intentionally make the time. But when I do, I can usually expect a more effective rehearsal.

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Four Habits That Will Transform Your Rehearsals Four Habits That Will Transform Your Rehearsals Reviewed by Admin on 8:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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