While doing some research on the subject I came across a powerful article that dealt with some of the “spiritual traps” many praise team members can fall into. The title of the article was 5 Spiritual Dangers To Praise Teams. I’ll list the 5 topics covered in the article and give you a little snippet. Then I’ll post the link and the author’s info at the bottom so you can read the article in full.
Danger #1: Ego issues
“Musicians take pride in their craft. Whether vocal or
instrumental, most have an emotional investment in what they do. Being a
part of a team effort places you in a position of having your pride
challenged. Consider the vocalist who at times tends to let their pitch
drop just a bit, or one who isn’t getting the correct rhythm. Being
corrected by the worship leader in front of the others can be a blow to
our ego. Some musicians are far more impressed with their talent level
than are others and can tend to want to push their sound to rise above
that of the others. What can you do about that?”
Danger #2: Addiction to the spotlight
“This is closely aligned with the ego/attitude problem. Being in
front of people on a weekly basis can become addictive, and tends to
give an unhealthy balance in how a member views themselves and their
life. A person’s identity shouldn’t be defined by being on a stage.”
Danger #3: Being a performer rather than a worshipper
I personally read this one with great interest. If you know me you know that I do believe in the importance of perfecting and honing your craft. But I believe that’s important not so that you can be the center of attention. In fact I believe the opposite. I think the most important reason to perfect your harmony and musicianship is precisely so NOBODY will be paying attention to you. The objective is to remove all hindrances, not to focus on the importance of the performance itself.However when you spend that kind of time and effort on perfecting and honing your delivery there is indeed a danger of beginning to place too much importance on the performance itself. The author does a great job of addressing this in danger number 3.
Danger #4: Burnout
“Rehearsals and multiple services can drain our time and energy. If you are naturally active, you can be so involved that you grow to resent the time drain of the team.”Danger #5: Ignoring Spiritual Disciplines
“You might assume that serving on the team gives you all the spiritual nourishment that you need. Well, it doesn’t. Like every believer, you need to practice the spiritual disciplines if you expect to have any vital spiritual strength.”
Ok is this great stuff or what?! I gave you the highlights here, but they’re only excerpts from the full article. The Article was written by Thamuss. Originally I included a link to it but unfortunately it has been removed. I’ve been unable to find the author to properly credit and link back to him. If you happen to know him or how to connect with him I’d love to know so I can update the link to point to his new location.
Reviewed by Admin
11:55:00 AM

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