
Worship = Power


 Our churches are filled with broken people that have real hurts. Others keep coming through the doors in denial, thinking that everything is well and that they can just “phone in” their worship by showing up at church once a week, usually right before the teaching. How can we, as leaders, facilitate worship that breaks through great pain and denial to help people connect with God, who is waiting to embrace them with open arms? Could it be that we need a better understanding of the sheer magnitude of the power of God and the endless possibilities it brings?

When we worship God together at church, we connect with the Creator of the Universe and the power that raised Jesus from the dead! It’s also amazing that huge miracles were achieved by just a few words. “Let there be light.” Boom. “Lazarus, come out!” Raised from the dead. “Quiet. Be still.” No more storm. When the words are backed by the incredible power of God, not much needs to be said for miracles to happen. What if this applied to our Sunday services and the songs that we lead? We should get excited about the potential of our worship times and realize what may happen when we give ourselves to His service and really lead our churches into worshiping Him.
Spiritual warfare is a real thing, and worship is our weapon. The Bible calls us to pray for outward events all the way up to world leaders, but the real battles often rage on within us. 
People in the church struggle with fear, loneliness, rejection, pride, discouragement and many other burdens God promises to free us from. We, the worship leaders, are no exception to the rule. How many times have you stepped on the stage struggling with your challenges and emotions and struggled through your set? May I humbly suggest that we use worship as the weapon against all of it by inviting God to visit us by His power through our worship times, both alone and during our Sunday services? Just imagine what it can do to our worst enemies:
Fear – The acronym False Evidence Appearing Real sums up the smokescreen of fear. The enemy uses the lie of fear to beat us into submission, but God’s power is much greater than the sum of all our fears. Worshiping God will fill us with assurance about God’s power and presence in our lives, helping us to learn to trust Him and let go of our fears.
Discouragement – Worship fills us with a sense of purpose that goes way beyond what we do. We all have dreams, and having to wait for years is hard. Knowing that God will move in His good time and filling our waiting time with praise and worship is the right response of trusting Him. Nothing we do will move that date, imagine how much better your life can be when you accept it and enjoy His presence while you’re waiting!
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Worship = Power Worship = Power Reviewed by Admin on 10:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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