The Story Behind the SongRock of Ages, Cleft for Me
The Story Behind the Song Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
A modern rendition of the Hymn by Vestal Goodman

Augustus Montague Toplady
(1740 to 1778), was an unusual child. His father died when he was very young
and so he was raised by his mother who adored and spoiled him. He was not very
well liked by his peers or his relatives, partly because they did not relate to
his extreme intelligence, and partly because he was sickly and neurotic.
Controversy followed
Toplady throughout his short 38 years of life, but he did not let that stop
him. At a very young age he showed a keen interest in developing a relationship
with God. By age 12 he was preaching sermons, and at age 14 he began writing
hymns. He was ordained as an Anglican priest at the age of 22. Although some
thought him to be arrogant and obstinate, excerpts from his writings verify
that he was a devoted and humble follower of Christ.
An example of one of the
many poems Toplady wrote between the ages of 15 and 16 years:
Refining Fuller, make me
On me thy costly pearl
Thou art thyself the
pearl I prize,
The only joy I seek
An excerpt from his
personal journal, at age 27:
O, my Lord let not my
ministry be approved only, or tend to be no more than conciliating the esteem
and affections of my people to thy unworthy messenger; but to do the work of
thy grace upon their hearts: call in thy chosen; seal and edify thy regenerate;
and command thy everlasting blessing upon their souls! Save me from
self-opinion, and from self-seeking; and may they cease from man, and look
solely upon thee.
Toplady was a staunch
Calvinist, and a very outspoken opponent of John Wesley's Arminian theology. In
1776, two years before his death, he wrote an article on God's forgiveness. The
purpose of this publication was to rebut statements made by Wesley. The article
concluded with Todlady's poem, Rock
of Ages; a poem that would many years later find its way into the very same
hymnals as many of John's brother, Charles Wesley's (Arminian) songs.
Rock of Ages
Rock of ages, cleft for
let me hide myself in
let the water and the
from thy wounded side which
be of sin the double
save from wrath and make
me pure.
Not the labors of my
can fulfill thy law's
could my zeal no respite
could my tears forever
all for sin could not
thou must save, and thou
Nothing in my hand I
simply to the cross I
naked, come to thee for
helpless, look to thee
for grace;
foul, I to the fountain
wash me, Savior, or I
While I draw this
fleeting breath,
when mine eyes shall
close in death,
when I soar to worlds
see thee on thy judgment
Rock of Ages, cleft for
let me hide myself in
“The Lord is my Rock,
and my Fortress, and my Deliverer.” (Psalm
Here is a modern
rendition of the song by Vestal Goodman
The Story Behind the SongRock of Ages, Cleft for Me
Reviewed by Admin
10:30:00 AM

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