
The Place of Technology in Worship

I would say that the majority of our worship spaces have either been built with technology in mind or have been retrofitted with technology in the past years. I would say that most of our worship attenders think that “the screen” is the ultimate use of technology. But is it wise to use technology in worship? What kinds of technology draw us into worship? When does technology detract from worship?
I read an article about churches employing new technologies in worship. The use of Wi-Fi and social media in some form has become an acceptable means to reach out to the next generation. In one church people were allowed to tweet the pastor a question and he would read the question and address it as a part of his message. Another church was able to post twitter messages on the projection system and the entire congregation was able to read the message. I also was at a concert where the performer actually used a tablet device to view the music he was performing.
But is all of this technology “stuff” good in worship? Does it loose our focus on worshipping God? What about those who plan and prepare for worship week after week? What are some of the practical and theological implications that keep us using technology in worship? '
Maybe we haven’t thought about it much, so Iet us look at some of the obvious technology devices that are used. The most popular is our audio systems. We are always looking for a better microphone, a better soundboard, a better processor, improved monitor systems. What are the pros and cons in what I consider a better toy in the toy box?
Projection/Video systems. Screens are the “hot topic” around my congregation. We do not have a screen at this point. I’m not voicing my opinion on whether a screen should be installed or not. I will gladly use it if that day comes; I am also content with not using it. I have worked with them in the past and have found great satisfaction and great frustration all in the same week. What are the pros and cons of using projection – theologically, practically, ease of use for the worshipper?
We use CD and DVD recording devices for our shut-ins and others who would like a copy of the service. We also have a secure Wi-Fi, not necessarily for implementation for the use in worship, but for the congregation to access their electronic devices (outside of worship) in the church building.
What do you use? How do you like it? List them all, software, particular devices, etc. What’s working, what’s not working?

The Place of Technology in Worship The Place of Technology in Worship Reviewed by Admin on 9:29:00 AM Rating: 5

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