

Worship leading is not making something happen, that would be more like cheer-leading. It is letting something happen, in your own heart first and in the service next. It is not a musical tour de force. However, it is a musical offering selected from our repertoire of the church to be the Living Sacrifice of Praise of the Holy-Royal Priesthood as the ancient Hebrew worshiper would select a spotless lamb from his flock.

The Three Rules of Worship Leading:

 #1. Worship God
#2. Be prepared and be flexible.
#3. Let the worship flow.
Worship leading comes from the overflow of the worship leader's life. A passage from Isaiah contains a wonderful promise to the worship leader.
Therefore the Lord, the Lord of hosts, will send leanness among his fat ones; and under his glory He will kindle a burning like a burning of a fire. So the light of Israel will be for a fire, and His Holy One for a flame. It will burn and devour his thorns and his briars in one day. (Isaiah 10:16,17)
The context of these verses is the wasting of Israel to prepare for the restoration of Israel. The nation had to go through the purging of fire to be at a place where God's glory could shine. So it is with the worship leader. He or she must pay the price in the secret place if God's presence will be visited upon him or her in the public place. Under a "canopy of His glory" (NIV) God will burn away that which does not please Him in our lives. We must not take the covering of His glory (His blessing upon our worship leading) to mean He is finished with us. It does mean that while He is using and blessing us, He is still at work under that canopy of glory, making us more like Him.
The worship leader must "tremble"(Isaiah 66:2) at the Word of God. Song leaders can immerse themselves in music only but a worship leader must also immerse himself in the Word of God. As we, under a canopy of His glory, seek to build up our personal valleys, bring down our individual mountains, straighten out our well-worn crooked places, and smooth out our rough, careless ways, He is revealed in all His glory as we lead the people of God in ministry to the Lord. And remember, "All flesh will see it together"! The revelation of His glory will bring the righteousness, peace and joy of His reign.
Worship Leading is not making something happen.
It is letting something happen, in your heart first and then in the service.


WHAT IS WORSHIP LEADING? WHAT IS WORSHIP LEADING? Reviewed by Admin on 4:26:00 PM Rating: 5

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